Enjeksiyon kalıp testinin önemli noktaları


1. Preparation

Material: prepare raw material that meets product requirements and perform necessary drying treatment.

Injection molding machine: select a suitable injection molding machine and preset its parameters.

Mold inspection: check the cooling system, exhaust system, and other aspects of the mold to ensure they are in good condition.

Mold cavity and runner: clean the mold cavity and runner and apply a release agent.


2. Mold testing

Initial testing: conduct an initial testing with a lower injection speed and pressure to observe if the mold opens and closes normally and if there are any flashes.

Parameter adjustment: based on the initial testing result, adjust the injection speed, pressure, temperature, cooling time, and other process parameters one by one until qualified products are obtained.

Mold modification: if defects are found in the products, the mold needs to be modified and improved.


3. Testing record

Parameters and data: record all parameters and data during the testing, including material, machine, and process parameters.

Product inspection: record product dimensions, appearance, performance, and other indicators and compare them with product requirements.

Result analysis: analyze the testing result and summarize the experience to provide a reference for subsequent mass production.


4. Safety precautions.

Safety equipment: wear safety protective equipment such as a safety helmet and goggles during testing.

Safety distance: keep a safe distance when the mold runs to avoid accidents.

Temperature: be careful of the temperature of the mold and product to prevent burn.

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